
The word "glaze" makes me think of donuts. Unfortunately, I'm actually talking about watercolor (surprise), not the marvelous bakery item. Here is my (terrible) reference photo for the next piece.


This is a terribly boring photo. Hopefully I can stir some life into it. The reason I am using it is because this is actually a beautiful location, and I hope to recapture the beauty and feeling of the moment I took this picture. This is the Gorges du Tarn in France, a beautiful, rugged, and fantasy-esque area. When I saw these beautiful cliffs and the contrast of the scrubby brush with the lush, verdant canyon, I thought it was the perfect setting for a fairy tale such as Beauty and the Beast. I encourage you to Google image search for the Gorges du Tarn, so you can see a glimpse of what I mean, this photo does no justice to the beautiful country.

On a more creepy and slightly morbid note, this area of France has a bit of unsolved mystery and folklore- La Bete du Gevaudan! The beast of Gevaudan is quite the topic to research if you're interested in giant wolf-like creatures that terrorized the countryside back in the day when life was not quite so civilized. There's such a stunning contrast sometimes between the beauty of an area and the horrors that have occurred there.

Anyways, I plan to rework some bits of this photo so it is more aesthetically pleasing in every way.
The End.


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