Overripe Pineapples and Limes, et aussi "Nos Morts"

Freeedoommmm!!! I'm happy to announce that I am (finally) done with my pineapple and lime painting from many moons ago. Check out the work in progress here. And below is the finished piece!


I'm so glad to have this done. Another painting I haven't posted a picture of yet is "Nos Morts".


I feel pretty good about the initial drawing of this piece, but the execution of the painting itself is rather shoddy, which is unfortunate. The initial post about this piece is here.

So that's all for now, coming up I might post some of the illustrations for a book I'm doing (retelling of the fairy tale Rubezahl) for advanced book arts. I'm really excited about the piece, the illustrations are cut out... I'm not sure how to explain it. It's like a tunnel book, where you can see through to the next pages, but that's not quite what it is.


  1. I was excited to see that this painting was in french and I knew roughly that at least it meant something about our dead, the first thing I looked at when I accessed your blog was the description and reference of this painting. I thought it was very interesting that it was a memorial, I had never heard of there being memorials around France like that. I was excited to discover that it was an actual sculpture that your piece was taken from, very cool idea.


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